All Akiyas
May 8
October 18
Tengo dudas de cómo me puede beneficiar la compra de una akiya en Japón siendo extranjero esto me garantiza poder vivir en Japón ? Y que tanto dura el trámite de visado o cuánto hay que gastar o invertir en el proceso son mis mayores preocupaciones o dudas
November 30
As a canadian, how could I live in Japan. Full time and or part time?
December 2
I work from home and I can move anywhere and keep working with my laptop, I am very interested please guide me through this process I love working I don't go out much I just work work and work please help me.
December 3
I've an immigration lawyer in Sapporo. Currently exploring digital nomad and business startup visas for first 12-24 months looking to shift to businesses manager visa. I'll share what I can as I get further into it.
Note there's a points system for immigration that may help some looking at permanent residence.
February 15
I'm planning on moving to Japan this year with my family and apply for a spouse Visa. my wife and son are both Japanese Citizen. what kind of immigration forms do I need to inquire?
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