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A house located along a prefectural road in the Wachi district has been registered.
It is easy to access outside the town, so it is recommended for people who work outside the town.
There is a large garden in front of the house, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as growing vegetables or as a play area for children.
There are also several warehouses and garages on the property, which can be used not only for storage but also as a workshop.
There was a leak from one room on the second floor of the main house to the veranda on the first floor, but this has been repaired.
There is also several pieces of farmland, so it is also recommended for people who want to cultivate the fields and grow vegetables.和知地区の県道沿いにある家が登録されました。
Land:土地面積 | 716 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 136 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Main house: 135.94㎡, other warehouses etc.: 108.09㎡母屋:135.94㎡、その他倉庫等:108.09㎡ |
Structure:構造 | Residential land宅地 |
Built in:建築年 | 1980 |
Land:土地面積 | 1038 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 169 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 母屋169.42㎡、離れ92.55㎡、その他車庫や土蔵などもあり母屋169.42㎡、離れ92.55㎡、その他車庫や土蔵などもあり |
Structure:構造 | 明治時代に建てられた古民家明治時代に建てられた古民家 |
Built in:建築年 | 1896 |
A rental property has been registered at the very back of Fukuchi village. It is on a slightly higher ground than the neighboring houses, and is surrounded by trees in a very relaxing location. The building was built in 1891, and you can feel the history of the building from the beams and built-in water closet. As for the living facilities, the bath is a square stainless steel type, so it would be nice to replace it with a modern unit bath type if possible, but the toilet and kitchen are in relatively good condition. The entire site slopes gently to the south, so mowing the grass and maintaining the site will be difficult, but if you are determined to overcome this, and if you like to socialize with the local community as the neighbors are close, please consider this property.福地集落の一番奥に賃貸物件が登録されました。近隣の家より少し高台にあり、周りは木々に囲まれた非常にのんびりとした場所になります。建物は明治24年築となっており、梁や作り付けの水屋箪笥からは建物の歴史を感じることが出来ます。生活設備として、お風呂は正方形のステンレスタイプのため、できれば今時のユニットバスタイプに取り換えたいところではありますが、トイレとキッチンに関しては比較的状態良く保たれていると思います。敷地全体が南に向かってなだらかに傾斜しているため、草刈り等敷地の維持は大変だとは思いますが、気合いで乗り越えられる方、近所の付き合いは深いので地域付き合いの好きな方はぜひご検討下さい。
Land:土地面積 | 142 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 110 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 1st floor1階 |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1891 |
Land:土地面積 | 282 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 84 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 平屋平屋 |
Structure:構造 | 木造木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1971 |
A new property has been registered at the foot of Mt. Miyuki, on the border between the Fukuchi district and Shirakawa-cho. When you enter the entrance, it looks like a Japanese-style inn, and the three-room Japanese-style room on the left has a sunken kotatsu and a garden-like space inside! The space with a low table and hearth has floor heating, and there is also a wood stove on the veranda, so you can get through Fukuchi's cold winters while watching the fire flicker in the stove. There are three kitchens, two bathrooms, and four toilets, including those that can be accessed from outside, so it's a property that will make you smile with ideas for use, such as a two-family home, a satellite office, a guest house, or a restaurant that makes use of the quaint parts. As for the surroundings of the building, there is farmland next to and in front of the property, and a forest behind it, so there are many possibilities for use from the outside as well. However, the large site means that it takes time and money to maintain and manage. We look forward to hearing from young people who are physically capable and able to handle these tasks!見行山の麓、福地地区と白川町の境目に、新たに物件の登録がありました。玄関を入ると和風旅館の様な佇まい、左手の3間続きの和室には掘りごたつや、室内に庭園の様なスペースも!囲炉裏のある座卓のあるスペースには床暖房、さらに縁側には薪ストーブも設置されているため、福地の寒い冬もストーブに揺らめく火を眺めながら乗り越えられそうです。小さなものを含めるとキッチンは3か所、お風呂も2か所、お手洗いは外からアクセスできるものも含めると4カ所あるので、2世帯住宅等はもちろんの事サテライトオフィス・ゲストハウス・趣のある部分を生かした飲食店など使い方のアイデアでにやけてしまう様な物件です。建物周りに関しても、物件の隣と正面には農地が、裏には山林が、と、外部に関しても活用イメージが広がります。ただ、敷地が広いという事は、維持管理に費やす時間や費用も掛かるという事。その辺りをそつなくこなせる、体力のある若い世代からのお問合せをお待ちしています!
Land:土地面積 | 997 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 252 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建て |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1996 |
A new property has been listed in the Nishikori area. The interior of the property has been kept very clean, and you can move in right away! The toilet and bathroom have also been renovated, and the bathroom is also equipped with a heater and a bathroom dryer, so the most expensive part of renovating a vacant house has been thoroughly covered. The current parking space can only accommodate one car, but the site is a generous 330m2, so it would be perfectly possible to carve out some space to create a parking spot. The layout is a spacious 6DK, which is also suitable for families with children, so we hope you will consider it.錦織地区に新たな物件の登録がありました。物件の内部も非常にきれいに保たたれており、すぐに住み始めることも可能です!また、水回りもトイレ・お風呂はリフォームされていて、さらにお風呂には暖房や浴室乾燥機も完備と、空き家のリフォームで一番費用の掛かる場所はしっかり押さえられています。駐車場が現状で1台しか停められないのがネックですが、敷地はゆとりの100坪ありますので、一部を削って駐車場所を作ることも十分可能です。間取りもゆとりの6DKと、子育て世帯も対応可能な広さとなっておりますので、ぜひご検討いただければと思います。
Land:土地面積 | 332 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 96 m² |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1978 |
A property deep in Fukuchi has been registered.
It was built in 1992, and the interior has been kept in good condition.
The terrace on the south side is distinctive, and it looks like you can relax while looking out at the garden.
If you enjoy gardening, you will have fun working on the large garden on the south side.
It has two floors and five rooms, so it is also recommended for families moving in.福地の奥地の物件が登録されました。
Land:土地面積 | 757 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 109 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建て |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1992 |
This former beauty salon faces Shiomi's main street. The shop area is now clear, so it can be used by people from a variety of industries, not just beauty salons! (A septic tank needs to be installed, and the owner has informed us that as of 2018, the roof is starting to leak, so it is likely to require major repairs.)潮見のメインストリートに面する元美容室です。現在店舗部分はすっきりしておりますので、美容室にこだわらず、いろんな業種の方にご利用いただけます!(浄化槽を設置する必要があるのと、平成30年現在、雨が漏り始めているとの家主様より情報がありましたので、大規模な修繕費がかかると思われます。)
Land:土地面積 | 277 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 126 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 1st floor1階 |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1975 |
A new property has been registered near Ofuna Shrine. The land registry states that it was built in 1897! Indeed, the beams and pillars of the Japanese-style room have a beautiful color that shows they have aged quite a bit. The negative points of this property are: 1) there is a lot of leakage and there are holes in the ceiling in places; 2) it needs to be connected to the sewer system, so there will be an access fee and construction costs involved; and 3) there is no parking lot. As it is expected that renovations will cost several million yen, the purchase price has been significantly reduced. We look forward to hearing from anyone who is willing to take over this good old property!大船神社付近に新たな物件の登録がありました。登記簿上の築年数はなんと明治30年!確かに和室の部屋の梁や柱はかなり年を経たいい色合いをしています。物件としてのマイナスポイントは、①かなり雨漏りがあり所々天井に穴が開いている事。②下水道に接続する必要があるので加入分担金や工事費用が掛かる事。③駐車場が無い事でしょうか。改修関係で数百万単位の費用が掛かることが想定されるので、売買価格もかなり下げてあります。古き良き物件を引き継いでもらえる方のお問合せお待ちしております!
Land:土地面積 | 203 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 99 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 1 story1階建て |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1897 |
This property in the Fukuchi district is a hideaway located in an alley off the main road in Fukuchi. Unusually for country living, there are buildings on all four sides, but since there is no road in front of the property, you can live in a very quiet environment. The property also has a toilet in a detached building with a pit toilet, which will cost money to renovate, but the owner was able to set a reasonable purchase price to make up for the cost. There are houses nearby, so you may not feel like you are living in the country, but after opening the front door, you can walk for 2-3 minutes and see the tranquil countryside scenery. There is no parking lot on the premises, only a shared parking lot in the neighborhood, so you will have to widen the opening of the warehouse area to park your car.福地地区にあるこちらの物件、福地のメイン道路から路地裏に入ったところにある隠れ家的物件です。田舎暮らしには珍しく、四方に建物が建っているのですが、目の前に道路が走ってない分、とても静かな環境で生活できます。物件も、お手洗いが離れにある+汲み取り式となっているため、改修に費用が掛かりますが、費用が掛かる分、家主様にお値打ちな売買価格を設定してもらいました。近隣に家もあるので、田舎暮らし感はあまり感じないかもしれませんが、玄関開けて徒歩2~3分でのどかな里山風景が広がります。駐車場が敷地内には無く、近隣の共用駐車場しかないため、車を停めるには倉庫部分の開口を広げる等しなければいけません。
Land:土地面積 | 311 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 185 m² |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1987 |
Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.
Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.