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detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
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detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
detached 八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $18,958
280 万円

The property is located in Kikyono, Ichikawa-cho, Hachinohe City.八戸市市川町桔梗野の物件です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Kikyo Nogami, Oaza Ichikawa-cho, Hachinohe City八戸市大字市川町字桔梗野上
Land:土地面積165 m²
Building:建物面積85 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1986
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
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detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
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detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
detached 八戸市大字田面木字堤下
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $10,156
150 万円

The location is set back from the main road, so there is little car traffic and it is safe for families with small children. There is a supermarket, Red Cross Hospital, and a bus stop within a 4-minute walk, making it a convenient location for daily life. With easy access to National Route 104, transportation access is also convenient.大通りから奥に入っている場所ですので、自動車等の通行量も少なく小さなお子様がいるご家庭にも安心です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Hachinohe City, Oaza Tamogi, Tsutsumishita八戸市大字田面木字堤下
Land:土地面積140 m²
Building:建物面積76 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1975
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
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detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
detached 八戸市諏訪3丁目
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $21,667
320 万円

This is recommended for those who have purchased a used home and are considering renovating it. The second floor faces south and has good sunlight and ventilation.中古住宅を取得しリノベーションの実施を検討中の方にオススメです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Suwa 3-chome, Hachinohe City八戸市諏訪3丁目
Land:土地面積107 m²
Building:建物面積81 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1978
detached 八戸市大字新井田字丑鞍森
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detached 八戸市大字新井田字丑鞍森
detached 八戸市大字新井田字丑鞍森
detached 八戸市大字新井田字丑鞍森
detached 八戸市大字新井田字丑鞍森
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $66,354
980 万円

There are two spacious Japanese-style rooms, one 12 tatami mats in size and the other 8 tatami mats in size, next to each other, where large groups can gather and chat in harmony.12畳と8畳の隣り合った広いが和室あり、大人数であつまり団欒することができます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Hachinohe City, Oaza Araida, Ushikuramori八戸市大字新井田字丑鞍森
Land:土地面積233 m²
Building:建物面積115 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor1階
Built in:建築年1970
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
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detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
detached 八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $10,156
150 万円

It faces south and is in a quiet environment. Although there is no access to a road according to the Building Standards Act, you can access the site from the road via two bridges over the waterway.南向きの静かな環境です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Hachinohe City, Shiriuchimachi, Shohoji八戸市大字尻内町字正法寺
Land:土地面積588 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor1階
Built in:建築年1979
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
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detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
detached 八戸市東白山台四丁目
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $90,729
1340 万円

・The spacious room on the second floor can be partitioned to create a 4LDK unit. ・Located in Higashi Hakusandai, a tranquil living environment, the spacious grounds can accommodate multiple cars and also have a garden where you can enjoy gardening and growing your own vegetables. ・The building is solidly built, giving no indication of its 18 years of existence, and is well maintained on a daily basis.・2階の広い居室を間仕切りすることで4LDKにすることも可能です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Higashi-Hakusandai 4-chome, Hachinohe City八戸市東白山台四丁目
Land:土地面積269 m²
Building:建物面積133 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年2006
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
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detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
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detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
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detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
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detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
detached 八戸市大字河原木字久保
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $54,166
800 万円

Although it is located near Hachinohe, it is close to Takadate Elementary School and is located on high ground where there is no need to worry about tsunamis or flooding. It is also close to the Hachinohe Municipal bus stop (in front of Takadate Elementary School), and within a 5-minute bus ride there are various hospitals, including internal medicine and ophthalmology clinics. It is also 20 minutes from the city center, so it is an environment where you can live safely and securely for the future.八戸近郊でありながら高館小学校に近く、津波や水害の心配のない高台に位置しています。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Hachinohe City, Kawaraki, Kubo八戸市大字河原木字久保
Land:土地面積150 m²
Building:建物面積116 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1988
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
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detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
detached 八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $47,396
700 万円

The property is located in Samemachi, Hachinohe City.八戸市大字鮫町の物件です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Hankizawa, Samemachi, Hachinohe City八戸市大字鮫町字ハン木沢
Land:土地面積181 m²
Building:建物面積104 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1996
detached 八戸市柏崎5丁目
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detached 八戸市柏崎5丁目
detached 八戸市柏崎5丁目
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detached 八戸市柏崎5丁目
detached 八戸市柏崎5丁目
detached 八戸市柏崎5丁目
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $155,729
2300 万円

This former dental clinic is located along the bus route in Kashiwazaki 5-chome. There is a treatment space on the first floor and three rooms for resting on the second floor. There is a reception counter, hand-washing space, and shelves, and it is recommended for those who want to open a clinic.柏崎五丁目のバス通り沿いにある元歯科診療所です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Kashiwazaki 5-chome, Hachinohe City八戸市柏崎5丁目
Land:土地面積301 m²
Building:建物面積191 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1992
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
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detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
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detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
detached 八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
Houses for sale in Hachinohe Shi : Aomori Ken

LocationHachinohe Shi, Aomori Ken青森県八戸市

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USD $120,520
1780 万円

This building is used very carefully. The parking space is a little small, but there is little traffic so you can park leisurely.大変丁寧にお使いの建物です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Hachinohe City, Nukazuka, Gorobei-mae八戸市大字糠塚字五郎兵衛前
Land:土地面積165 m²
Building:建物面積133 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年2000

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.