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detached 寒川地区
detached 寒川地区
Traditional houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $40,625
600 万円

The property was built in 1962 and consists of three buildings on the site: the main house, a barn, and a warehouse, with only the barn having a second floor. A small but beautiful garden borders the veranda on the south side of the main house, and it gets plenty of sunlight. The site is also large, so there is plenty of space for parking, etc. Although it is a little far from the center of Oyama City, there is little traffic in the surrounding area, and it is a bright and spacious property with a quiet and calm atmosphere. There are many Japanese-style rooms in the main house, and few areas with flooring. The east side of the main house and the area around the entrance have been expanded and remodeled, and there are high steps and leaks, so care will need to be taken when renovating.昭和37年築の物件で敷地内には主屋、納屋、倉庫の3棟が建っており、納屋のみ2階があります。主屋南側の縁側には小さめながら立派な庭園が接しており、日当たりも非常に良好です。また、敷地が広いため、駐車場などに十分な広さが確保できます。小山市の中心地からは少し離れますが、周囲は車通りも少なく、閑静で落ち着いた雰囲気で、明るく広々とした物件です。主屋内は和室部分が多く、フローリング部分は少ないです。主屋の東側や玄関付近は増改築されており、高い段差や雨漏りが見受けられるため、改修の際には留意が必要と思われます。

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Available/3 or moreあり/3台~

Oaza Samukawa (urbanization control area)大字寒川(市街化調整区域)
Land:土地面積402 m²
Building:建物面積79 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor: 79.33㎡1階:79.33㎡
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof one-story house木造瓦葺平屋建
Built in:建築年1962
detached 大谷地区
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detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
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detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
detached 大谷地区
Houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $406
6 万円
USD $406 / month
(¥60,000 / month)
6 万円 / 月

This rental property is built in 1981 and is made of reinforced concrete, and is located in a quiet residential area. It is sunny and has an open area, giving it a bright impression. The southern half of the property is a large garden and parking space. As it is close to an elementary school, this property is recommended for families with elementary school-aged children. The facilities within the building are very clean and well-equipped.閑静な住宅街に建つ、昭和56年築、鉄筋コンクリート造の賃貸物件です。日当たりがよく周囲も開けているため、明るい印象です。敷地南半分は広い庭兼駐車スペースになっています。小学校が近いため、小学生のお子様がいらっしゃる家庭にオススメの物件です。建物内の設備は非常に綺麗で、充実しています。

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Available/2 car parking availableあり/2台駐車可能

Oaza Yokokurashinden (urbanized area)大字横倉新田(市街化区域)
Land:土地面積172 m²
Building:建物面積92 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete construction鉄筋コンクリート造
Built in:建築年1981
detached 間々田地区
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detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
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detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
Houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $67,708
1000 万円

This property has a large garden. There are supermarkets, convenience stores, and home improvement centers within about 1 km, making it a convenient location for living. The large balcony can be used for various purposes, such as relaxing by pulling out chairs.広いお庭のある物件です。約1km圏内にはスーパーやコンビニ、ホームセンターがあり生活しやすい立地にあります。大きいバルコニーではイスを出してくつろぐなど様々な利用ができそうです。

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Available/2 car parking available有り/2台駐車可

Oaza Mamada (urbanization control area)大字間々田(市街化調整区域)
Land:土地面積330 m²
Building:建物面積124 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Wooden, tiled, straight roof, 2-story木造瓦・ストレート葺2階建
Built in:建築年1977
detached 桑地区
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Houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $108,333
1600 万円

It is a single-story house with a large garden. There are four Japanese-style rooms and one Western-style room, so there is enough room. National Route 4 runs nearby, and there is a supermarket within the living area, so it is a very convenient location.広いお庭のある平屋の住宅です。和室4部屋に加えて洋室も1部屋あるため部屋数も十分です。近くには国道4号線が通り、生活圏内にはスーパーもあるため非常に便利な立地です。

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Available/2 car parking availableあり/2台駐車可

Hanekawa Oaza (urbanized area)大字羽川(市街化区域)
Land:土地面積637 m²
Building:建物面積125 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor1階
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof one-story house木造瓦葺平屋建
Built in:建築年1971
detached 間々田地区
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Houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $10,156
150 万円
USD $1,016 / month
(¥150,000 / month)
15 万円 / 月

It is located in a quiet residential area. The Western-style rooms on the second floor are very spacious, and the long closets with ample storage space are attractive. All rooms have storage space. The large balcony also has a rain cover, so it seems like it would be convenient for doing laundry on rainy days.閑静な住宅地の一角にあります。 2階の洋室はとても広々としており、十分な収納のできる長い押入れが魅力的です。全室収納付です。広めのバルコニーには雨よけもあり、雨の日の洗濯にも対応できそうです。

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1 car parking available1台駐車可

Minami-Iida (urbanization control area)大字南飯田(市街化調整区域)
Land:土地面積152 m²
Building:建物面積56 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Wooden roofing with tiles and galvanized steel sheet roofin木造瓦・亜鉛メッキ鋼板葺
Built in:建築年1976
detached 絹地区
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detached 絹地区
Traditional houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $96,146
1420 万円

The age of the house is unknown, but it is an old house that is thought to be over 100 years old (built in 1868?). It has a main house [gambrel-roofed], one storehouse [gabled], and four barns. The storehouse is two stories tall (the first floor has only stairs, the second floor has a floor). Currently, agricultural equipment is stored there, and the exterior walls have been renovated. Inside the main house, there are exposed log beams, and the dirt floor area is also distinctive. The dirt floor, kitchen, and living room have different floor heights, and there are large steps, making it a central corridor type. There are also many cross-lintels, and the structure is a good example of a traditional old house. The toilet and bath are wet-type, the sewage is agricultural village drainage (planned), and the drinking water is well water (no city water). There is currently space for two parking spaces, but since the site is large, I think it would be possible to park any number of cars in the other areas if the gardens are developed. The fields are vast on the south front and north back, and there is also plenty of space for home gardening. It is in a village that is quite far from the 築年数は不明ですが、100年以上と思われる古民家になります(明治元年築?)。主屋[入母屋]、土蔵[切妻]1つ、納屋4つで、土蔵は2階建て(1階は階段のみ、2階に床あり)現在は農機具が収納、外壁改修済みです。主屋内には、丸太梁あらわし部分もあり、土間部分も特徴的です。土間、台所、居室の床高さが違い、段差が大きく、中廊下タイプになっています。差鴨居部も多々あり、造りでは伝統的古民家をよくあらわしています。便所、風呂は湿式、下水は農業集落排水(予定)、上水は井戸水を利用しています(市水なし)。駐車場は現在2台置くところが用意されていますが、広い敷地であるため、他の部分も庭を整備すれば何台でも可能と思います。畑が南前面、北裏面に広大な面積であり、家庭菜園などを行うスペースも広くあります。大通りよりかなり離れ細い路地から入っていく集落の中です。近隣は竹藪、田園があり、鬼怒川の土手が見えます。調整区域内ですが、小中学校や出張所は近い距離になります。古民家をおもいっきりリノベーションしたい人向きですが、納屋や蔵の管理、修繕も必須です。規模が大きく多用途を創造したリノベーションをしたい人には良い物件です。

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Currently, there are two parking spaces, but depending on t現在二台分の駐車スペースがありますが、敷地内の整備次第で何台

Fukura Oaza (urbanization control area)大字福良(市街化調整区域)
Land:土地面積1894 m²
Building:建物面積155 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor: 154.85㎡1階:154.85㎡
Structure:構造One-story wooden building木造平屋建
detached 間々田地区
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detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
Houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $121,875
1800 万円

This property is located in a residential area of Mamada. The Japanese-style rooms on the first floor are spacious, with a total of 20 tatami mats. The large garage outside can be used not only as a parking space for your car, but also as a space for hobbies. It is relatively close to elementary and junior high schools, and is a large two-story house, so it is also recommended for families.間々田の住宅街にある物件です。1階の和室は合計で20畳あり、広々としています。外の広いガレージは車の駐車スペースとしてだけでなく、趣味のスペースとしても活用できそうです。小中学校に比較的近いほか、2階建ての大きい家のため、家族で住むのにもおすすめの物件です。

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Yes/3-4 cars can be parkedあり/3~4台駐車可

Oaza Mamada大字間々田
Land:土地面積398 m²
Building:建物面積135 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1983
detached 間々田地区
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detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
detached 間々田地区
Houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $100,208
1480 万円

This large, two-story wooden house was built in 1980 and stands in a quiet residential area. Mamada Station and a kindergarten are located nearby. The north side of the building is a flagpole lot where the entrance is located. The south side of the building borders the residential area and has two parking spaces and a large garden. The facilities within the building are all electric and easy to use. There are signs of rainwater leaking in some areas of the second floor, but the walls, floors, and ceilings are in very good condition overall. Each room is spacious and there are many rooms, so it is suitable for large families.閑静な住宅地に建つ、昭和55年築の木造2階建ての大きな一軒家です。近隣には間々田駅やこども園があります。建物北側は旗竿地になっており、玄関があります。建物南側は住宅地内と接し、2台分の駐車場と広い庭があります。建物内の設備はオール電化となっており、使いやすいものとなっています。2階の一部に雨漏りの形跡がありますが、建物全体的に壁や床、天井の状態はとても良いです。各居室は広めで部屋の数も多い為、大きな世帯に向いていると思います。

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Available/2 car parking availableあり/2台駐車可

Oaza Otome (urbanized area)大字乙女(市街化区域)
Land:土地面積330 m²
Building:建物面積163 m²
Scale:建物規模Wooden, tiled, two-story building木造瓦葺2階建
Built in:建築年1980
detached 絹地区
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detached 絹地区
detached 絹地区
detached 絹地区
detached 絹地区
detached 絹地区
detached 絹地区
detached 絹地区
detached 絹地区
Houses for sale in Oyama Shi : Tochigi Ken

LocationOyama Shi, Tochigi Ken栃木県小山市

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USD $106,979
1580 万円

It's the perfect environment for a relaxing rural experience. With many rooms, stylish interiors, and ample storage space, it looks like you'll be able to spend your days comfortably. The spacious 780m2 lot has plenty of parking space, and you can also enjoy the garden. There is a barn and storage shed, making it an ideal space for hobbies.田舎でゆったり過ごすには最適な環境です。部屋数が多く、おしゃれな内装に、充実した収納スペースがあり、快適な日常を過ごせそうです。220坪の広い敷地で、駐車スペースも十分確保でき、お庭を楽しむこともできます。納屋・物置があり、趣味のスペースとしても最適です。

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None (5 cars can be parked)なし(5台駐車可)

Fukura Oaza (urbanization control area)大字福良(市街化調整区域)
Land:土地面積750 m²
Building:建物面積189 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor: 126.69㎡ 2nd floor: 62.10㎡1階:126.69㎡ 2階:62.10㎡
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building with tiled roof木造瓦葺2階建
Built in:建築年1995
detached 中荘・国栖
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detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
Traditional houses for sale in Yoshino Cho : Nara Ken

LocationYoshino Cho, Nara Ken奈良県吉野町

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USD $16,927
250 万円

An old, single-story house in a peaceful village.のどかな集落にある平屋の古民家。

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Can beあり

Nakasho and Kunisu中荘・国栖
Land:土地面積287 m²
Building:建物面積131 m²
Structure:構造Wooden single-story house Purpose: Residential Layout: 4D木造平屋 用途:住居専用 間取り:4DK 1階 和室(8、6、6、6)、キッチン、風呂、トイレ 敷地面積:286.62㎡
Built in:建築年1965

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.