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detached 湖東笹原
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detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $47,396
700 万円

For those who long for an old-style house, this is an affordable one-story old-style house. It has been standing in the Sasahara community for 100 years. The sound of the clear stream in the garden is also soothing. You can also grow your own vegetables in the garden. I would like to give it to someone who will cherish the owner's thoughts and the rows of houses in the village.古民家にあこがれをお持ちの方にはお手頃な平家古民家です。笹原集落に佇んで100年。庭先の清流の音にも癒されます。庭で家庭菜園も可能。オーナーの思いや集落の家並みを大切にしてくれる方にお譲りしたいです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4K (storage shed and storehouse available)4K(物置と蔵あり。)


Yes (on-site parking) Number of spaces: 2有 (敷地内駐車) 台数:2台あり

Chino City Lake East Sasahara茅野市湖東笹原
Land:土地面積400 m²
Building:建物面積115 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor above ground地上1階
Built in:建築年1924
detached 玉川10449他
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detached 玉川10449他
detached 玉川10449他
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detached 玉川10449他
detached 玉川10449他
detached 玉川10449他
detached 玉川10449他
detached 玉川10449他
detached 玉川10449他
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $88,021
1300 万円

The property comes with a storehouse built in 1868 (estimated from the tax register), a garden with a pond, and a field where you can grow your own vegetables.明治元年(課税台帳より推定)に建てられた蔵や池のある庭、家庭菜園のできる畑が付いています。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6SDK (DK, 3 Japanese-style rooms (8 tatami mats), 2 Japanese-style rooms (6 tatami mats), 1 Western-style room (8 tatami mats), storeroom)6SDK(DK、和室8帖×3、6帖×2、洋室8帖×1、納戸)



10449 Tamagawa, Chino City, etc.茅野市玉川10449他
Land:土地面積933 m²
Building:建物面積161 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1983
detached 茅野市北山蓼科
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detached 茅野市北山蓼科
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detached 茅野市北山蓼科
detached 茅野市北山蓼科
Houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $104,948
1550 万円

Hot spring usage fee: 32,000 yen + consumption tax per year Hot spring management fee: 65,000 yen + consumption tax per year Hot spring name change fee: 250,000 yen + consumption tax温泉使用料:年間 32,000円+消費税・温泉管理費:年間 65,000円+消費税・温泉名義変更料: 250,000円+消費税

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Floor planFloor plan間取り




Chino City Kitayama Tateshina茅野市北山蓼科
Land:土地面積700 m²
Building:建物面積108 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor above ground地上1階
Built in:建築年1990
detached 長野県諏訪市大字湖南
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Houses for sale in Suwa Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationSuwa Shi, Nagano Ken長野県諏訪市

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USD $52,812
780 万円

Price 7.8 million yen, Land area 891.43m², Building area 328.27m², Transportation: Train: Chuo Main Line Kamisuwa Station Distance 5200m 69 minutes on foot 14 minutes by car価格 780万円, 土地面積 891.43m², 建物面積 328.27m², 交通: 電車:中央本線上諏訪駅 距離5200m 徒歩69分 自動車14分

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

8DK (DK, 5 Japanese-style rooms, 3 Western-style rooms)8DK(DK、和室5、洋室3)


Available Number of cars: 4有 台数:4台あり

Konan, Suwa City諏訪市湖南
Land:土地面積891 m²
Building:建物面積328 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1964
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
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detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
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detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
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detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
detached 長野県茅野市玉川小泉927-129
Houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $57,552
850 万円

Single-story house with a large garden. Koizumi Nursery School ⇒ Approximately 80m away広い庭付の平屋住宅 小泉保育園⇒約80m

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6DK (DK8, Western-style 6, Japanese-style 8 + Western-style 3, Japanese-style 10, 6, washroom, bathroom, toilet)6DK(DK8 洋6 和8+洋3 和10 6 洗面 浴室 トイレ)


Yes Number: 1 available有 台数:1台あり

Tamagawa Koizumi 927-129玉川小泉927-129
Land:土地面積381 m²
Building:建物面積108 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor above ground地上1階
Built in:建築年1972
detached 町屋敷
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detached 町屋敷
detached 町屋敷
Houses for sale in Shimosuwa Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationShimosuwa Machi, Nagano Ken長野県下諏訪町

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USD $64,323
950 万円

It's a cool approach. The interior is beautiful. It's a two-family home with separate living spaces on the first and second floors. It's great.カッコイイアプローチになりました。室内きれいです。1階と2階で生活別々の2世帯住宅です。いいですよー

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4DK (1F, 10 Western LDK, 2F, Japanese 6, Japanese 6, Japanese 6, DK)4DK(1F,10洋LDK 2F,和6、和6、和6、DK)


Available (under construction) Number of spaces: 2有 (工事中) 台数:2台あり

Machiyashiki 2129-183町屋敷2129-183
Land:土地面積240 m²
Building:建物面積153 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1989
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
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detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 長野県茅野市宮川安国寺3689
Houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $11,510
170 万円

Landslide Warning Area (Debris Flow Yellow Zone)土砂災害警戒区域(土石流イエローゾーン)

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

3DK (detached room, outdoor bath)3DK(離れ、外風呂あり)



Miyagawa Ankokuji Temple 3689宮川安国寺3689
Land:土地面積225 m²
Building:建物面積89 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor above ground地上1階
Built in:建築年1868
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
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detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
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detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
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detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
detached 茅野市玉川子ノ神5236-2
Houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $87,343
1290 万円

The main house and detached house are located on a large site. There is also a pond. The boiler and tank will be replaced.広い敷地に母屋と離れが有ります 池もあります ボイラーとタンクは交換します

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

7DK (Main house 1st floor DK8, Western-style 8, Japanese-style 8+6, Bathroom/changing room, UB, Toilet 2nd floor Western-style 8, Japanese-style 6, Annex Japanese-style 6, Kitchen, Toilet)7DK(母屋 1階 DK8 洋8 和8+6 洗面・脱衣 UB  トイレ 2階 洋8 和6 離れ 和6 キッチン トイレ)


Yes (You can turn around on the premises) Number of spaces:有 (敷地内 切り返しができます) 台数:3台あり

Tamagawa Konokami 5236-2玉川子ノ神5236-2
Land:土地面積497 m²
Building:建物面積163 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1978
detached 町屋敷
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Houses for sale in Shimosuwa Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationShimosuwa Machi, Nagano Ken長野県下諏訪町

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USD $39,271
580 万円

Yellow Zone A site containing buried cultural assets Currently occupied (viewing available)イエローゾーン内

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



Yes (garage available) Number of spaces: 2有 (車庫有) 台数:2台あり

Town house in Shimo-Suwa-machi, Suwa-gun, Nagano Prefecture長野県諏訪郡下諏訪町町屋敷
Land:土地面積190 m²
Building:建物面積115 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1972
detached 湖東笹原
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detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
Houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $23,698
350 万円

This sunny, single-story house stands in the Sasahara village at the foot of the Nakatateshina Plateau. Part of the dirt floor remains, so it is possible to renovate the house by making use of the wooden frame. Many immigrants are involved in revitalizing the village, and there is active interaction between the residents.中蓼科高原山麓の笹原集落に佇む日当たりの良い平屋の民家です。土間が一部残っているので木組を生かして民家再生も可能です。多くの移住者が集落の集落活性化に参画して交流が盛んです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

3LDK (Doma, 2 Japanese-style rooms of 8 tatami mats, LDK equivalent to 14 tatami mats, storage room, etc.)3LDK(土間・8畳和室2間・LDK14畳相当。物置部屋他。)


Yes (on-site parking) Number of spaces: 2有 (敷地内駐車) 台数:2台あり

Sasahara, Koto, Chino City, Nagano Prefecture長野県茅野市湖東笹原
Land:土地面積369 m²
Building:建物面積85 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor above ground地上1階
Built in:建築年2004

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.