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detached 日置中
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $23,698
350 万円

This property is for sale in the Hioki-Naka area. This property has a spacious living space with a wooden one-story building and a steel-framed two-story building connected together. The plumbing has been renovated and the building is in relatively good condition. The warehouse, which has a space of about 20 tatami mats, can be used as a workshop or parking lot.日置中エリアの売買物件です。木造の平屋建と鉄骨造の2階建がつながった広々とした居住空間が魅力のこちらの物件は、水回りがリフォームされており建物の状態も比較的良いです。約20畳分のスペースがある倉庫は作業場や駐車場としても活用できます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Nagato City Hioki長門市日置中
Land:土地面積705 m²
Building:建物面積156 m²
Structure:構造Wooden, tiled, single-story building (partially metal-roofe木造瓦葺平屋建(一部金属板葺)、鉄骨造瓦葺2階建
Built in:建築年1976
detached 西深川
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detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $33,854
500 万円

This property is for sale in the Nishifukagawa area. Although it is located in the center of Nagato City, it is a quiet residential area. It is close to the city center, the station and the bus stop, and is a convenient area for living, so it is a property recommended for people of all ages. There is a spacious garden where you can enjoy gardening.西深川エリアの売買物件です。長門市の中央部に位置しているにも関わらず、こちらは閑静な住宅街です。市街地、駅・バス停にも近く、生活利便性の良い地域で、幅広い世代の方におすすめの物件です。広々とした庭があり、家庭菜園も楽しめます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Nishifukagawa, Nagato City長門市西深川
Land:土地面積488 m²
Building:建物面積145 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平家建
Structure:構造Light-weight steel framed, slate-roofed, wooden, tile-roofe軽量鉄骨造スレート葺平家建、木造瓦葺平家建(増築部分)
Built in:建築年1971
detached 日置中
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detached 日置中
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $18,958
280 万円

This property is for sale in the Hioki-naka area. The building is located in a corner of a rural village, surrounded by rural scenery. You can spend a peaceful time surrounded by lush greenery. The age of the building is unknown, but it has been partially renovated, so you can do your own DIY while living there. The spacious grounds of about 990m2 allow you to enjoy gardening and fruit cultivation. There are also rice fields and forests, so we are happy to discuss these if you would like.日置中エリアの売買物件です。建物は、農村集落の一角にあり、周辺には田園風景が広がっています。緑豊かでのどかな時間を過ごすことができます。築年数は不詳ですが、一部リフォーム済の物件ですので、住みながら好みのDIYを施すことも可能です。約270坪の広々とした敷地があり、家庭菜園や果樹栽培も楽しめます。田や山林もあるため、ご希望の場合は相談に応じます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Nagato City Hioki長門市日置中
Land:土地面積882 m²
Building:建物面積291 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof木造瓦葺
Built in:建築年1965
detached 三隅下
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detached 三隅下
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $20,312
300 万円

This property is for sale in Misumishita. The spacious grounds allow you to not only grow vegetables, but also plant fruit trees, have barbecues in the garden, and even have a dog run. There are endless ways to enjoy the property. There is also ample parking space, making this a recommended property for those who want to start a business such as a cafe or other residence.三隅下の売買物件です。広々とした敷地は、家庭菜園だけでなく、果樹を植えたり、お庭でバーベキュー、ドッグラン・・・。楽しみ方は無限に広がります。また駐車場もしっかり確保できますので、住まい兼カフェなどの事業を始めたい方にもおすすめの物件です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Nagato City Misumishita長門市三隅下
Land:土地面積681 m²
Building:建物面積205 m²
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof flat house木造瓦葺平家建
Built in:建築年1940
detached 深川・仙崎地区
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detached 深川・仙崎地区
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detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $6,771
100 万円
USD $68 / month
(¥10,000 / month)
1 万円 / 月

This 100-year-old traditional house was built in the Taisho era and has a compact layout. The sea is within walking distance, so you can easily enjoy a stroll or fishing.大正時代に建築された築100年のコンパクトな間取りの古民家。徒歩圏内に海があり、気軽に散歩や釣りを楽しむこともできます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4K (3DK, 3LDK)4K(3DK,3LDK)



Senzaki, Nagato City長門市仙崎
Security deposit:敷金Noneなし
Key money:礼金10,000 yen/month1万円/月
Land:土地面積78 m²
Building:建物面積76 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof木造瓦葺
Built in:建築年1924
detached 三隅上地区
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detached 三隅上地区
detached 三隅上地区
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $10,156
150 万円

This property is recommended for those who want to live a relaxed and leisurely life in a quiet environment. Yumeno Onsen and the Kazuki Yasuo Museum are about 5 minutes away by car, and are sure to soothe both body and mind. This property is recommended for those who want to enjoy gardening in the adjacent fields and camping in the large wilderness.静かな環境で、のんびり・ゆっくり暮らしたい方におすすめの物件です。車で約5分のところに湯免温泉、香月泰男美術館があり、心身ともに癒してくれそうです。隣接している畑での家庭菜園、広い原野を手入れしてキャンプなど、楽しみたい方におすすめの物件です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Nagato City Misumikami長門市三隅上
Land:土地面積185 m²
Building:建物面積143 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平家建
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof flat house木造瓦葺平家建
Built in:建築年1951
detached 油谷久冨
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detached 油谷久冨
detached 油谷久冨
detached 油谷久冨
detached 油谷久冨
detached 油谷久冨
detached 油谷久冨
detached 油谷久冨
detached 油谷久冨
Houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $100,208
1480 万円

This property is for sale in the Yuya Hisatomi area. Most of the facilities necessary for daily life are within a 2km radius of this property, making it a convenient location for daily life.油谷久冨エリアの売買物件です。こちらの物件は、生活に必要な施設のほとんどが、約2km圏内にあり、生活便利な立地にあります。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4K (3DK, 3LDK)4K(3DK,3LDK)


Can beあり

Nagato City Yuya Hisatomi長門市油谷久冨
Land:土地面積323 m²
Building:建物面積94 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平屋
Structure:構造One-story wooden tile-roofed house木造瓦葺平家建
Built in:建築年2009
detached 三隅中
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detached 三隅中
Houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $54,166
800 万円

This property is for sale in the Misumi-Naka area. It is in a relaxing environment surrounded by quiet rural scenery, and has good access to Nagato city. The building is in good condition, and the bathroom has just been remodeled to include a dryer. The sea is about a 5-minute drive away, so you can also enjoy fishing. The attached house is not ready for immediate occupancy, but it is recommended for those who want to enjoy DIY or use it as a warehouse.三隅中エリアの売買物件です。静かな田園風景が広がるのんびりとした環境で、長門市街地までのアクセスが良い立地です。建物の状態は良好で、浴室は乾燥機付きにリフォームしたばかりです。車で5分程度のところに海もあり、魚釣りも楽しめます。附属家についてはすぐ住める状態ではないのですが、DIYを楽しみたい方や倉庫として利用希望の方におすすめです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Nagato City Misumi Junior High School長門市三隅中
Land:土地面積353 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden tile-roofed house木造瓦葺平家建
Built in:建築年1970
townhouse 仙崎
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townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
townhouse 仙崎
Townhouses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $6,771
100 万円
USD $102 / month
(¥15,000 / month)
1 万 5000 円 / 月

This property is for sale or rent in the Senzaki area. The sunset over the sea, visible from Senzaki, changes its appearance every day and attracts many people. This property comes with a parking space, which is rare in Senzaki, and is a relatively convenient environment for living. This property is recommended for those who want to enjoy walking with their pets or for those who love fishing.仙崎エリアの売買・賃貸物件です。仙崎から見える海に沈む夕日は、日々表情を変え多くの人々を魅了します。仙崎では貴重な駐車場付き物件で、比較的生活も便利な環境です。ペットとの散歩を楽しみたい方や釣り好きの方におすすめの物件です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Senzaki, Nagato City長門市仙崎
Security deposit:敷金100,000 yen10万円
Key money:礼金Noneなし
Land:土地面積77 m²
Building:建物面積118 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building with tiled roof木造瓦葺2階建
Built in:建築年1945
detached 東深川
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detached 東深川
detached 東深川
detached 東深川
detached 東深川
detached 東深川
detached 東深川
detached 東深川
detached 東深川
Houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $44,010
650 万円
USD $271 / month
(¥40,000 / month)
4 万円 / 月

This property is for rent or sale in the Higashifukagawa area. It is located in the center of Nagato City, and is convenient for commuting to school, work, shopping, etc. There is no parking lot, but you won't feel inconvenienced if you live by bicycle. Well water is available, and the building is in good condition.東深川エリアの賃貸・売買物件です。長門市中心部に位置し、通学・通勤・買い物など利便性の良い地域です。駐車場はありませんが、自転車での生活も不便さは感じにくいと思います。井戸水も使用可能で、建物状態も良好です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上



Higashifukagawa, Nagato City長門市東深川
Security deposit:敷金100,000 yen10万円
Land:土地面積213 m²
Building:建物面積130 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof木造瓦葺
Built in:建築年1969

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.