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detached 上横山
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detached 上横山
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detached 上横山
detached 上横山
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detached 上横山
Traditional houses for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $13,542
200 万円

Located in Kamiyokoyama, Sado City, this property is a two-story wooden 10DK house on a vast 2300m2 site. It is only 5.5km from Ryotsu Port, and is an ideal place for those looking to take on a large-scale renovation in a place filled with nature and history. It also comes with a barn, so you can create the space of your dreams with a little ingenuity. Taking advantage of the large lot and the wide variety of floor plans, it has great potential as a guesthouse or studio. The exterior is a traditional Japanese house, giving it a Japanese feel.佐渡市上横山に位置するこの物件は、広大な700坪の敷地に佇む木造二階建ての10DKの邸宅です。両津港からわずか5.5kmの距離にあり、自然と歴史が息づく場所で大規模リフォームに挑戦する方に最適です。納屋も付属しており、創意工夫次第で夢の空間を実現できます。大きな土地と豊富な間取りを活かし、民宿やアトリエとしても魅力的な可能性を秘めています。外観は昔ながらの古民家になっており、和を感じることができます。

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Parking space available駐車スペース有

Kamiyakoyama, Sado City佐渡市上横山
Land:土地面積700 m²
Building:建物面積290 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story wooden building木造二階建て
Built in:建築年1953
detached 八幡
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detached 八幡
detached 八幡
detached 八幡
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detached 八幡
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detached 八幡
detached 八幡
Traditional houses for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $65,000
960 万円

Located in Yahata, Sado City, this two-story wooden property has a 9LDK and a lot area of approximately 992 square meters and a building area of approximately 228 square meters. It is located along the national highway, has good transportation access, and can accommodate multiple parking spaces. The building was built in 1971 and needs extensive repairs, but it can be used as a remodeling material to create your ideal home. The selling price is 9.6 million yen!!佐渡市八幡に位置する木造2階建て9LDKの物件で、敷地面積は約992平方メートル、建物面積は約228平方メートルです。国道沿いに位置し、交通の便が良く、複数台の駐車が可能です。建物は1971年築で、大幅な補修が必要ですが、リフォーム素材として理想の住まいを作り上げることができます。売買価格は960万円!!

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Multiple car parking available複数台の駐車が可能

Yawata, Sado City佐渡市八幡
Land:土地面積992 m²
Building:建物面積228 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story wooden building木造2階建
Built in:建築年1971
detached 吉井
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detached 吉井
detached 吉井
detached 吉井
detached 吉井
detached 吉井
detached 吉井
detached 吉井
detached 吉井
Traditional houses for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $32,500
480 万円

Located in Yoshii, Sado City, this two-story wooden property has 8 bedrooms and 2 dining areas. This old house was built in 1927 and features a tasteful storehouse and store space. No repairs are required and it has been renovated, so you can move in with peace of mind. The property boasts a land area of 738.62 square meters and a building area of 518.33 square meters, and can be used as a residence/store or a guesthouse. It is located near the national highway and has good transportation access, with a bus stop nearby. The price will drop to 4.8 million yen in June 2024, making this a great opportunity to get a bargain!佐渡市吉井に位置する木造2階建て8DKの物件。1927年築の旧家で、風情ある土蔵と店舗スペースを備えています。補修は不要で、リフォーム歴もあるため安心して入居可能。土地面積738.62平方メートル、建物面積518.33平方メートルの広さを誇り、住居兼店舗や民宿としても利用可能です。国道付近で交通の便が良く、バス停も至近距離。2024年6月に価格が480万円まで下がり、お買い得なチャンスです!!

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Yoshii, Sado City佐渡市吉井
Land:土地面積738 m²
Building:建物面積518 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story wooden building木造2階建
Built in:建築年1927
detached 下新穂
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detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
detached 下新穂
Traditional houses for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $30,469
450 万円

Located in Shimoniiho, Sado City, this two-story wooden old house is perfect for those who want to live a slow life surrounded by vast grounds and abundant nature. In addition to the spacious 7K layout, it also comes with a storehouse and warehouse, making it an attractive place for renovation. Although it needs extensive repairs, with careful restoration it can be transformed into your ideal home. It also comes with a garden and parking space, making it a place where you can spend the luxury that only an old house can offer.佐渡市下新穂に佇むこの木造2階建ての古民家は、広大な敷地と豊かな自然に囲まれたスローライフを求める方に最適です。7Kの広々とした間取りに加え、土蔵や倉庫も備わっており、リフォーム素材としての魅力が溢れています。大幅な補修が必要ですが、丁寧に再生することで、理想の住まいへと生まれ変わります。庭や駐車スペースも完備しており、古民家ならではの贅沢な時間を過ごせる場所です。

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Garden with parking space庭付き駐車スペース完備

Shimonibo, Sado City佐渡市下新穂
Land:土地面積852 m²
Building:建物面積115 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1963
townhouse 相川小六町
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townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
Machiya for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $6,771
100 万円

Located in Aikawa Korokucho, Sado City, this two-story wooden 4K house was renovated in 2019 and is in perfect condition to start a new life. You can enjoy gardening in the large yard, which is perfect for family get-togethers and outdoor activities. Equipped with propane gas and gas hot water equipment, it allows for economical and efficient living. The quiet environment allows you to live comfortably while feeling nature. It is also perfect as a second home or a place to refresh on the weekends.佐渡市相川小六町に位置するこの木造二階建ての4K住宅は、令和元年にリフォームされ、新しい生活を始めるのに最適な状態です。広い庭ではガーデニングを楽しむことができ、家族との団らんやアウトドア活動にも最適。プロパンガスとガス給湯設備が完備され、経済的で効率的な暮らしを実現。静かな環境で、自然を感じながら心地よい生活が可能です。セカンドハウスや週末のリフレッシュの場としてもぴったりです。

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Parking space available駐車スペース有

Aikawa Korokucho, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture新潟県佐渡市相川小六町
Land:土地面積123 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年2019
detached 新穂青木
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detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
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detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
detached 新穂青木
Traditional houses for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $201,770
2980 万円

Located in Aoki, Niiho, Sado City, this wooden, single-story, 8DK property was built in 1983! The land area is 5,383.72㎡, and the building area is 263.29㎡, making it a spacious property, perfect for a large family or a two-generation home.佐渡市新穂青木に位置する昭和58年築の木造平屋建て8DKの物件!土地面積は5383.72㎡、建物面積は263.29㎡と広々としており、大家族や二世帯住宅に最適です。

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Can beあり

Niiho Aoki, Sado City佐渡市新穂青木
Land:土地面積5383 m²
Building:建物面積263 m²
Scale:建物規模1 story1階建て
Built in:建築年1983
townhouse 相川小六町
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townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
townhouse 相川小六町
Machiya for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $6,771
100 万円

A 2-story wooden 4K property in Aikawa Korokucho, Sado City. The land is 123.81 square meters, the building is 120.00 square meters, and it is offered at the affordable price of 1 million yen. It needs major repairs, but with some renovations it can be transformed into your ideal home. It is close to supermarkets, a post office, and a bus stop, making it very convenient for daily life. There is parking space for one small car!!佐渡市相川小六町にある木造2階建て4K物件。土地は123.81平方メートル、建物は120.00平方メートルで、100万円という手頃な価格で提供。大幅な補修が必要ですが、リフォーム次第で理想の住まいに変えられます。スーパーや郵便局、バス停が近く、生活の利便性も高いです。駐車スペースは軽自動車1台分!!

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Parking space available, small cars can be parked駐車スペースあり、軽自動車を駐車可能

Sado City Aikawa Korokucho佐渡市相川小六町
Land:土地面積123 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story wooden building木造2階建
Built in:建築年2008
detached 加茂歌代
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detached 加茂歌代
detached 加茂歌代
detached 加茂歌代
detached 加茂歌代
detached 加茂歌代
detached 加茂歌代
detached 加茂歌代
detached 加茂歌代
Traditional houses for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $94,791
1400 万円

Located in Kamo Utashiro, Sado City, this is a 2-story wooden traditional house with 10 bedrooms and kitchens. The lot area is approximately 13,000m2 (14,449.02m2) and features a spacious garden and parking space. The building area is 386.72m2, and it is a charming home with a sense of history. The plumbing has been partially renovated, so you can start living comfortably. It is also fully equipped with electricity, gas, water, and a septic tank. It is located 1.8km from Ryotsu Port, close to major facilities such as a general hospital and supermarket, making it a highly convenient location. The selling price is 14 million yen!佐渡市加茂歌代に位置する木造2階建て10LDKの古民家です。敷地面積は約4,000坪(14,449.02㎡)で、広々とした庭や駐車スペースを備えています。建物面積は386.72㎡で、歴史を感じさせる趣ある住まいです。水廻りは一部リフォーム済みで、快適に生活を始められます。電気・ガス・水道・浄化槽などの設備も完備。両津港から1.8km、総合病院やスーパーなどの主要施設が近く、利便性の高い立地です。売価は1,400万円!

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Kamo Utayo, Sado City佐渡市加茂歌代
Land:土地面積14449 m²
Building:建物面積386 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年2011
detached 大字鴨庄
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detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
Traditional houses for sale in San-yo-onoda Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationSan-yo-onoda Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県山陽小野田市

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USD $33,854
500 万円
USD $372 / month
(¥55,000 / month)
5 万 5000 円 / 月

This vacant house is an attractive property that combines the convenience of being an 8-minute walk from the station with the charm of the Showa era. There are schools, supermarkets, and home improvement stores nearby, making it convenient for daily life. There is also attic storage, so you will never be short of storage space. This property is perfect for a peaceful family life and can also be used as a base for remote work.この空き家は、駅まで徒歩8分の利便性と昭和の趣が調和した魅力的な物件です。周囲には学校やスーパー、ホームセンターが揃い、日々の生活に便利です。屋根裏収納も備わっており、収納スペースに困ることはありません。この物件は、家族での穏やかな暮らしに最適であり、またリモートワークの拠点としても活用できます。

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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sanyo Onoda City Oaza Kamosho山口県 山陽小野田市 大字鴨庄
Land:土地面積198 m²
Building:建物面積124 m²
Structure:構造Wooden one-story house木造平屋
Built in:建築年1987
detached 入川
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detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
detached 入川
Traditional houses for sale in Sado Shi : Niigata Ken

LocationSado Shi, Niigata Ken新潟県佐渡市

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USD $18,281
270 万円

Built in 1968, this Japanese-style house sits on a corner lot and has the warm charm of a two-story wooden structure. With only 200m to primary and secondary schools, it's an ideal location for families raising children. With a few repairs, it has the potential to be transformed into a home that retains its traditional charm while incorporating modern comforts. It's an ideal home for those who want to live a family-like lifestyle and value connections to the local community.昭和43年築のこの和風住宅は、角地に位置し、温かみのある木造2階建ての魅力を持っています。小学校や中学校までわずか200mという立地は、子育て世代に最適です。多少の補修で、昔ながらの風情を残しつつ、現代的な快適さを取り入れた住まいへと生まれ変わる可能性を秘めています。家庭的な暮らしを送りたい方や、地域コミュニティとのつながりを大切にしたい方にとって、理想的な住宅です。

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Irikawa, Sado City佐渡市入川
Land:土地面積397 m²
Building:建物面積209 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1968

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.