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detached 伊勢市岡本2丁目地内
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detached 伊勢市岡本2丁目地内
Traditional houses for sale in Ise Shi : Mie Ken

LocationIse Shi, Mie Ken三重県伊勢市

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USD $26,406
390 万円
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User registration is required to confirm the property address and apply for a preview.
Previews will be held on weekdays. If you wish, please let us know your preferred date and time for about 2-3 days.
Please note that depending on your desired viewing date, other applicants may be able to view the property first.
You cannot view a property that is under negotiation (this also applies if the property is under negotiation by the scheduled viewing date).
Price includes land.

Inside Okamoto 2-chome, Ise City伊勢市岡本2丁目地内
Land:土地面積241 m²
Building:建物面積133 m²
Structure:構造Wooden two-story building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1968
townhouse 伊勢市中島2丁目地内
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townhouse 伊勢市中島2丁目地内
Machiya for sale in Ise Shi : Mie Ken

LocationIse Shi, Mie Ken三重県伊勢市

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USD $2,370
35 万円
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User registration is required to confirm the address of the property and to apply for viewing. If you are interested, please let us know about 2-3 days of your preferred date and time. Please note that other applicants may see the property first, depending on the desired date of viewing. Properties that are under negotiation cannot be previewed (the same applies if negotiations are underway before the scheduled preview date). The price includes land.物件住所の確認、内見の申込みには、利用者登録が必要です

Nakajima 2-chome, Ise City伊勢市中島2丁目地内
Land:土地面積97 m²
Building:建物面積103 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1892
townhouse 伊勢市宮川1丁目地内
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townhouse 伊勢市宮川1丁目地内
Machiya for sale in Ise Shi : Mie Ken

LocationIse Shi, Mie Ken三重県伊勢市

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USD $27,083
400 万円
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User registration is required to confirm the address of the property and to apply for viewing. If you are interested, please let us know about 2-3 days of your preferred date and time. Please note that other applicants may see the property first, depending on the desired date of viewing. Properties that are under negotiation cannot be previewed (the same applies if negotiations are underway before the scheduled preview date). The price includes land.物件住所の確認、内見の申込みには、利用者登録が必要です

Miyagawa 1-chome, Ise City伊勢市宮川1丁目地内
Land:土地面積209 m²
Building:建物面積219 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1943
detached 伊勢市二見町溝口地内
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detached 伊勢市二見町溝口地内
Houses for sale in Ise Shi : Mie Ken

LocationIse Shi, Mie Ken三重県伊勢市

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USD $10,156
150 万円
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User registration is required to confirm the address of the property and to apply for viewing. If you are interested, please let us know about 2-3 days of your preferred date and time. Please note that other applicants may see the property first, depending on the desired date of viewing. Properties that are under negotiation cannot be previewed (the same applies if negotiations are underway before the scheduled preview date). The price includes land.物件住所の確認、内見の申込みには、利用者登録が必要です

In Mizonokuchi, Futami-cho, Ise City伊勢市二見町溝口地内
Land:土地面積325 m²
Building:建物面積100 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden building木造1階建て
Built in:建築年1973
detached 伊勢市二見町西地内
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detached 伊勢市二見町西地内
Traditional houses for sale in Ise Shi : Mie Ken

LocationIse Shi, Mie Ken三重県伊勢市

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User registration is required to confirm the address of the property and to apply for viewing. If you are interested, please let us know about 2-3 days of your preferred date and time. Please note that other applicants may see the property first, depending on the desired date of viewing. Properties that are under negotiation cannot be previewed (the same applies if negotiations are underway before the scheduled preview date). The price includes land.物件住所の確認、内見の申込みには、利用者登録が必要です

Nishi area of Futami-cho, Ise City伊勢市二見町西地内
Land:土地面積260 m²
Building:建物面積93 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden building木造1階建て
Built in:建築年1992
townhouse 伊勢市黒瀬町地内
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townhouse 伊勢市黒瀬町地内
Machiya for sale in Ise Shi : Mie Ken

LocationIse Shi, Mie Ken三重県伊勢市

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User registration is required to confirm the address of the property and to apply for viewing. If you are interested, please let us know about 2-3 days of your preferred date and time. Please note that other applicants may see the property first, depending on the desired date of viewing. Properties that are under negotiation cannot be previewed (the same applies if negotiations are underway before the scheduled preview date). The price includes land.物件住所の確認、内見の申込みには、利用者登録が必要です

Kurosecho, Ise City伊勢市黒瀬町地内
Land:土地面積176 m²
Building:建物面積134 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1960
detached 中荘・国栖
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detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
Traditional houses for sale in Yoshino Cho : Nara Ken

LocationYoshino Cho, Nara Ken奈良県吉野町

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USD $16,927
250 万円

An old, single-story house in a peaceful village.のどかな集落にある平屋の古民家。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



Can beあり

Nakasho and Kunisu中荘・国栖
Land:土地面積287 m²
Building:建物面積131 m²
Structure:構造Wooden single-story house Purpose: Residential Layout: 4D木造平屋 用途:住居専用 間取り:4DK 1階 和室(8、6、6、6)、キッチン、風呂、トイレ 敷地面積:286.62㎡
Built in:建築年1965
detached 中荘・国栖
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detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
Traditional houses for sale in Yoshino Cho : Nara Ken

LocationYoshino Cho, Nara Ken奈良県吉野町

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USD $33,854
500 万円


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Land:土地面積52396 m²
Building:建物面積267 m²
Structure:構造木造 用途:住居専用 間取り:図面参照 敷地面積:523,96㎡ 延べ床面積:266.68㎡木造 用途:住居専用 間取り:図面参照 敷地面積:523,96㎡ 延べ床面積:266.68㎡
Built in:建築年1985
detached 田代麓3510

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detached 田代麓3510

Traditional houses for sale in Kinko Cho : Kagoshima Ken

LocationKinko Cho, Kagoshima Ken鹿児島県錦江町

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USD $33,854
500 万円
USD $203 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月
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(empty)No information available

Tashiro Roku 3510 (Roku district: lower)田代麓3510 (麓地区:下)
Building:建物面積133 m²
Structure:構造Wooden single-story building (132.66 square meters)木造平屋建て(132.66平方メートル)
Built in:建築年1995
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
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detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
Traditional houses for rent in Tanabe Shi : Wakayama Ken

LocationTanabe Shi, Wakayama Ken和歌山県田辺市

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USD $203 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月
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Fusehai, Hongucho, Tanabe City田辺市本宮町伏拝
Land:土地面積738 m²
Building:建物面積133 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平屋建て
Built in:建築年1979

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.