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detached 嬉野町下岩屋二区
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detached 嬉野町下岩屋二区
Traditional houses for sale in Ureshino Shi : Saga Ken

LocationUreshino Shi, Saga Ken佐賀県嬉野市

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USD $33,854
500 万円

This is a super retro property built in the Meiji period that transcends time. It blends in with the scenery of the residential area, but when you get closer, you can feel its timeless charm. When you enter the entrance, there is an old-fashioned dirt floor, and a room that looks like a storeroom is made of earthen walls, a space that you don't see in modern houses. The room on the second floor has the atmosphere of an old Japanese house that you would see in an old drama. The roof is covered with tin on the outside, but if you look into the attic from inside the room, you can see a thatched roof. Although it is such an old house, it is about a 5-minute drive to the center of Ureshino City, and there are many houses in the neighborhood, so it is not a lonely house.明治時代建築の時代を超えた超レトロ物件。住宅街の風景に溶け込んでいますが、近づいてみると、時代を超えたその趣が感じられます。玄関を入ると昔ながらの土間があり、物置?のような部屋は土壁で出来ていて現在の家屋では見られないような空間となっています。2階の部屋は、昔のドラマに出てくるような古き日本家屋の雰囲気が漂ってきます。屋根についても表はトタン張りになっていますが、室内から屋根裏を覗くと藁葺きの光景が広がっています。そんな古い家屋ですが車で5分程度で嬉野市の町中に出ますし、近所には住宅が沢山あるのでぽつんと一軒家状態ではありません。

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Buying and selling売買

Ureshino Town Shimoiwaya 2nd District嬉野町下岩屋二区
Land:土地面積422 m²
Building:建物面積135 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Structure:構造Thatched roof藁葺き屋根
Built in:建築年1868
detached 塩田町五町田第2
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detached 塩田町五町田第2
detached 塩田町五町田第2
detached 塩田町五町田第2
detached 塩田町五町田第2
detached 塩田町五町田第2
detached 塩田町五町田第2
detached 塩田町五町田第2
Traditional houses for sale in Ureshino Shi : Saga Ken

LocationUreshino Shi, Saga Ken佐賀県嬉野市

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USD $33,854
500 万円

Built in 1885! A house for sale that looks like it would be nice to have a traditional Japanese cafe. This traditional Japanese house is located in a peaceful area of Shiota Town, where Izumishikibu Park and a special needs school are located. This traditional Japanese house is the same age as the Statue of Liberty!明治18年築!古民家カフェなんかよさそうな家 売買。塩田町の和泉式部公園や特別支援学校があるのどかな地区にある古民家です。自由の女神と同級生な古民家です!

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The front yard is large enough to park several cars if it i前庭は整備すれば車が数台停めれそうな広さ

Shiotamachi Gochoda 2nd塩田町五町田第2
Land:土地面積558 m²
Building:建物面積190 m²
Scale:建物規模558.90 + 133.75 square meters (residential land) 1748 squar558.90+133.75平米(宅地) 1748平米(畑) 190.52平米(建物)
Structure:構造Old folk house古民家
Built in:建築年1885
detached 塩田町美野辺田
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detached 塩田町美野辺田
detached 塩田町美野辺田
detached 塩田町美野辺田
detached 塩田町美野辺田
detached 塩田町美野辺田
detached 塩田町美野辺田
detached 塩田町美野辺田
Traditional houses for rent in Ureshino Shi : Saga Ken

LocationUreshino Shi, Saga Ken佐賀県嬉野市

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USD $271 / month
(¥40,000 / month)
4 万円 / 月

The living room on the south side, where sunlight pours in from the wide veranda, is a Japanese-style room with two rooms that were previously Japanese-style rooms, but the tatami floors have been renovated to hardwood floors. Japanese-style rooms are nice, but hardwood floors are attractive because they are easier to maintain. There are about 14 tatami mats in total, so it feels spacious. The kitchen flooring, kitchenette, and bathroom sink have also been replaced with new ones, and the parts necessary for daily life have been nicely renovated. The landlord has said, "Please use it however you like," so DIY is possible!広い縁側から陽が差し込む南側のリビングは、以前和室だった2部屋で床を畳からフローリングに改修されました。和室も良いけど、やっぱりフローリングは扱いやすいのが魅力ポイントですね。全部で14畳ほどあり広々感じます。その他、キッチンのフローリングと台所、浴室の洗面台は新しいものに取り替えられており、生活に必要な部分は綺麗に改修されています。貸主さんは「好きなように使ってください」とおっしゃっていて、DIY可能です!

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Minobeda, Shiota Town塩田町美野辺田
Key money:礼金1 month key money礼金1か月
Land:土地面積517 m²
Building:建物面積176 m²
Structure:構造Old folk house古民家
detached 岩屋川内
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detached 岩屋川内
detached 岩屋川内
detached 岩屋川内
detached 岩屋川内
detached 岩屋川内
detached 岩屋川内
detached 岩屋川内
detached 岩屋川内
Traditional houses for sale in Ureshino Shi : Saga Ken

LocationUreshino Shi, Saga Ken佐賀県嬉野市

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USD $6,771
100 万円

Tea, fireflies, hot springs... A house that makes you say "I'm glad I live in Japan." It is located in a place rich in nature, with tea fields and hot springs nearby. It is an old house with a retro feel, and although it needs maintenance, there is a possibility of renovation.お茶にホタルに温泉に…「日本で暮らして良かったな」って言いたくなる家。自然豊かな場所で、近くにはお茶畑や温泉があります。レトロ感あふれる古民家で、メンテナンスが必要ですが、リノベーションの可能性があります。

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2 to 3 units2~3台

Iwayagawauchi, Ureshino Town嬉野町岩屋川内
Land:土地面積455 m²
Building:建物面積188 m²
commercial 吉田町
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commercial 吉田町
commercial 吉田町
commercial 吉田町
Commercial for rent in Ureshino Shi : Saga Ken

LocationUreshino Shi, Saga Ken佐賀県嬉野市

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USD $745 / month
(¥110,000 / month)
11 万円 / 月

Retro Showa-era architecture for shops and offices. Business space on the second floor of the former JA site. In addition to a large conference room, there are many other rooms, so it seems like it could be used for a variety of purposes, such as a coworking space!レトロな昭和建築をショップやオフィスに。元JA跡2階の事業所スペース。広い会議室のほか、多数の部屋があるので、コワーキングスペースなど様々な用途で利用できそうです!

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Office space事業所スペース


Not clear不明

Yoshida, Ureshino Town嬉野町吉田
Land:土地面積227 m²
Building:建物面積227 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Structure:構造Showa era architecture昭和建築
Built in:建築年1970
detached 中荘・国栖
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detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
Traditional houses for sale in Yoshino Cho : Nara Ken

LocationYoshino Cho, Nara Ken奈良県吉野町

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USD $16,927
250 万円

An old, single-story house in a peaceful village.のどかな集落にある平屋の古民家。

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Can beあり

Nakasho and Kunisu中荘・国栖
Land:土地面積287 m²
Building:建物面積131 m²
Structure:構造Wooden single-story house Purpose: Residential Layout: 4D木造平屋 用途:住居専用 間取り:4DK 1階 和室(8、6、6、6)、キッチン、風呂、トイレ 敷地面積:286.62㎡
Built in:建築年1965
detached 中荘・国栖
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detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
detached 中荘・国栖
Traditional houses for sale in Yoshino Cho : Nara Ken

LocationYoshino Cho, Nara Ken奈良県吉野町

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USD $33,854
500 万円


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Land:土地面積52396 m²
Building:建物面積267 m²
Structure:構造木造 用途:住居専用 間取り:図面参照 敷地面積:523,96㎡ 延べ床面積:266.68㎡木造 用途:住居専用 間取り:図面参照 敷地面積:523,96㎡ 延べ床面積:266.68㎡
Built in:建築年1985
detached 田代麓3510

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detached 田代麓3510

Traditional houses for sale in Kinko Cho : Kagoshima Ken

LocationKinko Cho, Kagoshima Ken鹿児島県錦江町

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USD $33,854
500 万円
USD $203 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月
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(empty)No information available

Tashiro Roku 3510 (Roku district: lower)田代麓3510 (麓地区:下)
Building:建物面積133 m²
Structure:構造Wooden single-story building (132.66 square meters)木造平屋建て(132.66平方メートル)
Built in:建築年1995
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
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detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
detached 田辺市本宮町伏拝
Traditional houses for rent in Tanabe Shi : Wakayama Ken

LocationTanabe Shi, Wakayama Ken和歌山県田辺市

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USD $203 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月
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Fusehai, Hongucho, Tanabe City田辺市本宮町伏拝
Land:土地面積738 m²
Building:建物面積133 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平屋建て
Built in:建築年1979
detached 春日町歌道谷
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detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
detached 春日町歌道谷
Traditional houses for sale in Tanba Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationTanba Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県丹波市

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USD $23,698
350 万円

A spacious farmhouse on a hilltop! The bathroom and toilet have been renovated!高台の敷地が広い農家住宅!!お風呂、トイレ改修済みです!

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Utadotani, Kasuga-cho, Tamba City, Hyogo Prefecture兵庫県丹波市春日町歌道谷
Land:土地面積584 m²
Building:建物面積124 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories above ground地上2階建て
Built in:建築年1923

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Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.