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Commercial for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $26,406
390 万円

This property is for sale in the Takatomi shopping district. There is a parking space for two small cars in the space that was previously used as a store. There is a 4.5 tatami room in the basement and a balcony on the roof.高富地区の商店街にある売却物件です。店舗として利用していた場所に軽自動車2台分の駐車スペースがあります。地下に4.5畳の部屋、屋上にベランダがあります。

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4.5 tatami room4.5畳の部屋


Available / Indoor / Light vehicle / 2 spaces有り / 屋内 / 軽自動車 / 2台

Takatomi, Yamagata City山県市高富
Land:土地面積79 m²
Building:建物面積139 m²
Scale:建物規模Basement and rooftop balcony available地下室、屋上ベランダ有り
Structure:構造Light steel frame construction (with basement and rooftop b軽量鉄骨造(地下室、屋上ベランダ有り)
Built in:建築年1965
detached 富永
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detached 富永
Traditional houses for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $13,542
200 万円

This property is for sale in the Tominaga district in the north of Yamagata City. The building is over 70 years old. The floors in two rooms and the walls in the bathroom need repairs.山県市北部の富永地区にある売却物件です。建物は70年余り経過しています。2部屋の床、浴室の壁の修繕が必要です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

2 rooms2部屋


Available: 2 units有り 2台

Tominaga, Yamagata City山県市富永
Land:土地面積506 m²
Building:建物面積157 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1954
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Traditional houses for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $20,312
300 万円

This property is for sale and is located near the city hall. It was built before 1975 and requires major repairs to the ceilings and floors.市役所に近い場所にある売却物件です。昭和50年以前に建てられており、天井及び床などの大規模な補修が必要です。

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Available / 2 units有り / 2台

Takagi, Yamagata City山県市高木
Land:土地面積416 m²
Building:建物面積171 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1975
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Houses for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $30,469
450 万円

Landslide warning area (yellow zone), part of it is a special landslide warning area (red zone). Recommended for those who want to use the factory. It is a house and factory near National Route 256, and there are also fields and forests. Part of the house was extended in 1983.土砂災害警戒区域(イエローゾーン)、一部が土砂災害特別警戒区域(レッドゾーン)です。工場を利用したい人におすすめです。国道256号線近くの住宅と工場で、畑や山林もあります。住宅は、昭和58年に一部を増築しています。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

173.49 square meters173.49平方メートル

Yamagata City Ideto山県市出戸
Land:土地面積474 m²
Building:建物面積173 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1972
detached 赤尾
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detached 赤尾
Houses for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $3,385
50 万円

This property is located in a housing complex near Akao Fureai Park. Repairs are required to the floors of the Japanese-style room and Western-style room on the first floor, as well as the doors on the second floor. Nursery schools and elementary schools are about 1km away on foot.赤尾ふれあい公園近くの団地にある物件です。1階和室と洋室の床の修理や2階扉などの修繕が必要となります。保育所や小学校は徒歩にて1kmほどの距離となります。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

68.22 square meters68.22平方メートル


Available (1 unit)有り(1台)

Akao, Yamagata City山県市赤尾
Land:土地面積148 m²
Building:建物面積68 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1973
detached 岩佐
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detached 岩佐
Houses for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $20,312
300 万円

The warehouse (garage) is built on rented land, and I have heard that it can be used as is, but confirmation is required each time. Renovation work is required, including water supply and drainage facilities. The road in front is narrow, but there is parking space for 3 to 5 cars. The area of the main lot number is shown, but there are also fields adjacent to it.倉庫(車庫)は借地に建っており、そのまま借地として利用可能と聞いていますが、その都度確認が必要です。給排水設備を含めてリニューアル工事は必要です。前面道路が狭いですが駐車スペースは、3~5台分あります。主な地番の面積を表示していますが、そのほかに畑も隣接しています。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

Residential area: 161.15 square meters住宅面積 161.15平方メートル


Available with garage有り車庫付

Iwasa, Yamagata City山県市岩佐
Land:土地面積330 m²
Building:建物面積161 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1962
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Houses for rent in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $406 / month
(¥60,000 / month)
6 万円 / 月

This is a rental property in a single-story building in a housing complex. There is a garage and parking space for 2-3 cars. The property is in a landslide warning zone (yellow zone).団地内にある平屋建ての賃貸物件です。車庫があり2~3台分の駐車スペースがあります。土砂災害警戒区域(イエローゾーン)です。

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Available / 2 to 3 cars有り / 2~3台

Takagi, Yamagata City山県市高木
Security deposit:敷金60,000 yen60,000円
Key money:礼金60,000 yen60,000円
Land:土地面積316 m²
Building:建物面積82 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平屋建
Structure:構造One-story wooden building木造平屋建
Built in:建築年1966
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Houses for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $20,177
298 万円

This property is for sale in a residential area of the city. It is within walking distance of the post office, large home improvement store, convenience store, orthopedic clinic, eye clinic, etc. The toilet has been renovated and a new toilet seat (automatic opening and closing) has been installed. There is a leak from the 2nd floor balcony, and some repairs are required.市内の住宅地にある売却物件です。  郵便局や大型ホームセンター、コンビニ、整形外科、眼科など徒歩にて可能です。トイレはリフォームされ最新式(自動開閉)の様式便座が設置されています。2階ベランダからの雨漏りがあり、一部修繕が必要となります。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

76.03 square meters76.03平方メートル


Available / 1 unit有り / 1台

Takatomi, Yamagata City山県市高富
Land:土地面積108 m²
Building:建物面積76 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1971
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Houses for sale in Yamagata Shi : Gifu Ken

LocationYamagata Shi, Gifu Ken岐阜県山県市

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USD $14,896
220 万円

This two-story property is located in a housing complex in the Takatomi area. It is made of wood and light steel and was built in 1965 (extended in 1976). It has been vacant for about 20 years and is in need of repairs. Parking space must be secured. To use the sewer system, a subscription fee and construction work are required.高富地域の団地内にある2階建ての物件です。昭和40年に建築された木造・軽量鉄骨造り(昭和51年に増築)。20年ほど空き家となっていたため、補修が必要です。駐車場の確保が必要となります。下水道を利用するには加入金負担、工事が必要となります。

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Takatomi, Yamagata City (Taka-25, Takatomi area)山県市高富(高-25・高富地域)
Land:土地面積94 m²
Building:建物面積106 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Wooden/steel frame, 2-story building木造/鉄骨造2階建
Built in:建築年1965
detached 中荘・国栖
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detached 中荘・国栖
Traditional houses for sale in Yoshino Cho : Nara Ken

LocationYoshino Cho, Nara Ken奈良県吉野町

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USD $16,927
250 万円

An old, single-story house in a peaceful village.のどかな集落にある平屋の古民家。

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Can beあり

Nakasho and Kunisu中荘・国栖
Land:土地面積287 m²
Building:建物面積131 m²
Structure:構造Wooden single-story house Purpose: Residential Layout: 4D木造平屋 用途:住居専用 間取り:4DK 1階 和室(8、6、6、6)、キッチン、風呂、トイレ 敷地面積:286.62㎡
Built in:建築年1965

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.