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detached 砺波市
Traditional houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $23,698
350 万円

A house with a Japanese-style garden. With 12 rooms, it is recommended for family living. Facing the Shinminatoshogawa Line, it has good access to Takaoka, Imizu, and Toyama. A pond (without water) and a Japanese-style garden are located at the front of the property, giving a peaceful impression. The large garden can be maintained so that you can enjoy gardening and vegetable growing at home. The roof tiles have been replaced. The property has a garage that can accommodate two cars and a carport that can accommodate two cars.和風庭園のある一軒家。部屋数は12室あり、家族での生活におすすめ。主要地方道新湊庄川線に面し、高岡、射水、富山方面へのアクセスが良好。敷地の正面側に池(水なし)、和風庭園が配置され、安らぎのある印象を与える。広いお庭は整備して園芸や家庭内菜園を楽しむことも出来る。屋根瓦は葺き替え済み。敷地には車2台を駐車できる車庫(ガレージ)と車2台を駐車できるカーポートがある。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

12 rooms12室


2 car garage, 2 carports車庫(ガレージ)2台、カーポート2台

Land:土地面積598 m²
Building:建物面積208 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1953
detached 散居村
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detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
detached 散居村
Traditional houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $54,166
800 万円

This is a house on a large plot in a peaceful village. There is a beautiful garden and a pond on the grounds. There are 10 rooms on the first floor and 3 rooms on the second floor. With so many rooms, it is perfect for a family to live in. There is a storeroom and attic storage on the second floor, and a storage shed and garage outside, so you will not have any trouble with storage space. It is in such good condition that it is hard to believe it was built 65 years ago, and there is a wood stove in the living room. There is a veranda on the dirt floor next to the entrance, where you can relax while looking out at the garden. It is also recommended for those who want to spend a leisurely country life or second life.のどかな散居村にある広い敷地の一軒家です。敷地内には立派なお庭があり、池もあります。部屋数は1階に10部屋、2階に3部屋あります。部屋数が多いので、家族で住むのにぴったりです。2階には納戸や小屋裏収納があり、外には物置や車庫があるので、収納場所には困りません。築65年とは思えないくらい状態が良く、居間には薪ストーブもあります。玄関横の土間には縁側があり、庭を眺めながらゆっくりできます。田舎暮らしやセカンドライフをのんびりと過ごしたい方にもおすすめです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

10 rooms on the first floor, 3 rooms on the second floor1階に10部屋、2階に3部屋


Garage available車庫あり

Land:土地面積1284 m²
Building:建物面積218 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1958
detached 砺波市
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Traditional houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $39,948
590 万円

This house is recommended for those who want to spend their retirement years in the countryside and farm! The spacious 12DK layout is comfortable and all rooms are well maintained. The wide veranda in particular blocks the sunlight in summer and reduces the cold in winter, so it also serves to prevent the temperature in the living room from rising. The only Western-style guest room is also attractive, and it is perfect for unexpected visitors. The plumbing has been renovated, so it can be used without any problems. The garage outside has space for two cars and can be used as a workshop. Around the back, there is a spacious vegetable garden, which is well-maintained to prevent excess grass from growing. We look forward to hearing from those who want to enjoy a relaxed, slow life.「老後は田舎で、畑やりたいわ~」という方におすすめなのが、この家です!!広々とした12DKの間取りは快適で、どの部屋もきれいに管理されています。なかでも広い縁側は、夏場の日差しを遮り、冬は寒さを緩和させる機能もあるため、座敷の温度上昇を防ぐ役目もあります。また。1つだけ洋室になっている客間も魅力的で、急な来客対応も大丈夫です。水回りはリフォームされた経緯もあり、問題なく使用できます。外にある車庫は、駐車2台分のスペースがあり、作業場としても活用できます。裏に回ると、家庭菜園には十分なスペースの畑があり、余計な草が生えないように管理もされています。ゆったりとしたスローライフを楽しみたい方の問い合わせをお待ちしております。

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Parking for 2 cars駐車2台分

Land:土地面積617 m²
Building:建物面積239 m²
Built in:建築年1966
detached 砺波市
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detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
Traditional houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $27,083
400 万円

This is a quaint old house in Azumadachi. The property is surrounded by rice fields and is built across the road from the neighboring houses. Even if you have small children, you can raise them freely without worrying about noise for the surroundings. There are 9 rooms on the first floor, so it is recommended for families and those who want to live a relaxed and spacious life. There is a garage and a barn on the spacious grounds. You can also enjoy gardening and vegetable growing in the garden.趣のあるアズマダチの古民家です。物件は周囲が田に囲まれており、近隣のお宅とは道を隔てて建築されています。小さなお子さんがいる場合も周囲への騒音の心配をすることなくのびのびと子育てが出来ます。1階に9室あり、家族での生活や、ゆったり広々と生活したい方にもおすすめです。広い敷地には車庫や納屋があります。お庭で園芸や家庭内菜園を楽しむことも出来ます。

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Garage available車庫あり

Land:土地面積882 m²
Building:建物面積251 m²
Scale:建物規模9 rooms on the first floor1階に9室
Built in:建築年1952
detached 散居村エリア
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detached 散居村エリア
detached 散居村エリア
Traditional houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $67,708
1000 万円

This is a house on a large plot in the tranquil area of Scattered Village. There are eight rooms on the first floor, three on the second floor, and a storeroom, making it perfect for a family to live in. There is a garden with a pond and a field on the premises, so it is recommended for those who want to do gardening or grow vegetables, or for those who want to relax and enjoy a second life. The garage can accommodate three cars, and there is space to park other cars as well. The large plot and ample parking space make it a great place for those who want to run a business. Although it is in a tranquil area, it is close to the prefectural road, making it convenient for shopping and going out.のどかな散居村エリアにある広い敷地の一軒家です。部屋数は、1階に8部屋、2階に3部屋と納戸があり、部屋数が多いので家族で住むのにぴったりです。敷地内には池付きの庭や畑があるので、ガーデニングや家庭菜園をしたい方や、のんびりと過ごしたい方、セカンドライフにもおすすめです。車庫は車が3台駐車可能で、それ以外にも車を駐車できるスペースがあります。敷地が広く、駐車スペースも確保できるため、事業をしたい方にもおすすめです。のどかなエリアですが、県道が近く、買い物やお出かけも便利です。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

8 rooms on the first floor, 3 rooms and a storeroom on the second floor1階に8部屋、2階に3部屋と納戸


The garage can accommodate 3 cars車庫は3台駐車可能

Tonami City砺波市
Land:土地面積1650 m²
Building:建物面積313 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1977
detached 砺波市
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Traditional houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $16,927
250 万円

This detached house with 12 rooms is recommended for large families. It is in a quiet location surrounded by fields on all sides, so it is recommended for those who want to live quietly away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, or for three generations living together. Some parts of the ceiling need repair. The bathroom, washroom, toilet, etc. were added about 20 years ago. The roof tiles were all replaced about 10 years ago.部屋数12室、大家族にもおすすめな散居の一軒家。四方を田畑に囲まれた閑静な立地で、日常の喧噪から離れて静かに生活した方や三世代同居にもおすすめ。天井は一部修理が必要な場所があります。風呂・洗面、トイレ等は20年ほど前に増築しています。屋根瓦は10年ほど前に全て取替え済みです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

12 rooms12室

Land:土地面積1260 m²
Building:建物面積351 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1977
detached 砺波市
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detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
Traditional houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $66,354
980 万円

This is a 13DK house in a quiet residential area. There are nine rooms on the first floor and four on the second floor, so it is recommended for families as it has a large number of rooms. The grounds are spacious, so you can have a barbecue or enjoy gardening. There is an open atrium at the entrance, which gives a sense of openness. There are two toilets on the first floor, so it is also recommended for use as a private lodging, shared house, or guest house. The road in front of the house is equipped with snow melting equipment, so you don't have to worry about snow accumulation in the winter. In addition, the prefectural road is nearby, making it a convenient location for going out.閑静な住宅街にある13DKの一軒家です。1階に9部屋、2階に4部屋あり、部屋数が多いので家族で住むのがおすすめです。敷地も広いので、バーベキューをしたり、家庭菜園やガーデニングを楽しめます。玄関を入ると吹抜けとなっており、開放感があります。トイレは1階に2か所ありますので、民泊やシェアハウス、ゲストハウスにするのもおすすめです。住宅前の道路には、融雪設備が備わっていますので、冬の積雪も安心です。また、県道が近いため、お出かけにも便利な立地となっています。

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Land:土地面積1350 m²
Building:建物面積329 m²
Built in:建築年1982
detached 砺波市
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detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
Houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $57,552
850 万円

It is in such good condition that it is hard to believe it was built 52 years ago. There is a garden, so you can enjoy gardening and growing your own vegetables.築52年とは思えないくらい状態が良い。庭がありますので、家庭菜園やガーデニングも楽しめます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4 rooms on the 1st floor, 1 room on the 2nd floor1階4部屋、2階1部屋

Land:土地面積772 m²
Building:建物面積202 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1971
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detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
detached 砺波市
Houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $79,896
1180 万円

This is a house in a quiet residential area. There are four rooms on the first floor and four on the second floor, and five air conditioners are installed. There are toilets on both the first and second floors, making it perfect for families. There is also a sunroom and a balcony, so you won't have any trouble finding a place to hang out your laundry. There is a garden on the premises, so it is recommended for those who like gardening or want to grow vegetables at home. The garage is two stories high, and two cars can be parked on the first floor, and the second floor can be used as a storage space. There is snow melting on the road in front of the property, so you don't have to worry about snowfall in the winter. It is also recommended for families with children, as it is close to elementary and junior high schools and the nearest certified childcare center.閑静な住宅街にある一軒家です。部屋数は、1階に4部屋、2階に4部屋で、エアコンも5台設置されています。1階にも2階にもトイレがあるので、家族で住むのにぴったりです。また、サンルームやベランダがあるので、洗濯物を干す場所に困りません。敷地内には庭がありますので、ガーデニングが好きな方や家庭菜園をしたい方にもおすすめです。車庫は2階建てで、1階に車が2台駐車可能で、2階は物置スペースとして利用できます。敷地前の道路には融雪がありますので、冬の降雪も安心です。小学校や中学校、最寄りの認定こども園も近いので、子育て世帯にもおすすめです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り




Land:土地面積496 m²
Building:建物面積185 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete鉄筋コンクリート
Built in:建築年1987
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Houses for sale in Tonami Shi : Toyama Ken

LocationTonami Shi, Toyama Ken富山県砺波市

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USD $47,396
700 万円

This is a house in a quiet residential area. It is in such good condition that it is hard to believe it is 52 years old. Although there are some areas that need repairs, it is ready to move in immediately. There is a garden outside, which is perfect for those who love gardening. There is also a storage shed, so you can have a place to store your gardening tools.閑静な住宅街の一軒家です。築52年とは思えないくらい状態が良く、多少修繕が必要な箇所はありますが、すぐにでも住めます。外には庭があり、ガーデニング好きにはぴったりです。物置もありますので、ガーデニング用品を収納する場所も確保できます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



There is no parking space, but the site is large, so we wil駐車スペースはありませんが、敷地が広いため、駐車スペースを作

Land:土地面積254 m²
Building:建物面積137 m²
Scale:建物規模4 rooms on the first floor, 1 room on the second floor1階に4部屋、2階に1部屋
Built in:建築年1971

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Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.