[Built 61 years ago] 2-storey, 7LDK. Separated two-family home with privacy. Enjoy the natural blessings and charm of the Kesen River in Takekoma-cho Kamitsubo.【築61年】2階建て7LDK。プライバシーが守られる分離型二世帯住宅。気仙川から得られる自然の恵と趣き、竹駒町上壺。
Land:土地面積 | 996 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 228 m² |
Structure:構造 | Two-story wooden slate-roofed building木造スレート葺2階建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1960 |
This house, built by Kesen carpenters, is an impressive structure. Living in a large space surrounded by sunlight.気仙大工が手掛けたこちらのお家は、見るものを圧倒する建物になっております。陽だまりに包まれる大空間の暮らし。
Land:土地面積 | 698 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 164 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Single-story house, 6 bedrooms, 6 bedrooms平家建て6LDK |
Structure:構造 | Wooden structure with galvanized steel roof木造亜鉛メッキ鋼板葺平家建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1900 |
A life where Japanese and Western styles blend together. A house surrounded by garden trees allows you to live a life surrounded by nature.和と洋が融け込む暮らし。庭木に囲まれたお家は自然豊かな生活を送ることができます。
Land:土地面積 | 885 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 167 m² |
Structure:構造 | Wooden tile roof one-story house木造瓦葺平屋建 |
Built in:建築年 | 1917 |
This house is located in a natural environment, on a hilltop with a great view. It is also conveniently located, just 13 minutes by car from downtown Rikuzentakata. The interior has been partially renovated after being demolished, so it is in its basic state.自然豊かな環境の中に佇むお家で、高台上にあり見晴らし良好。陸前高田市街地まで車で13分と立地も良いです。内装解体後一部改修をしており、下地状態の物件になります。
Land:土地面積 | 635 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 168 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Studioワンルーム |
Structure:構造 | Wooden, cement-tiled, one-story house木造セメント瓦葺平家建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1971 |
A 6LDK property in Tomari, Hirota-cho, a port town where the smell of the sea wafts through the air. A life where you can feel the sound and smell of the sea close by, with the port just a few minutes walk away. A highly convenient home with a large detached house and drying area.海の匂いが漂う港町、広田町泊にある6LDKの物件。歩いて数分で港に行ける海の音や匂いをそばで感じる暮らし。大きな離れや乾燥場がついた利便性の高いお家。
Land:土地面積 | 514 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 175 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2-storey, 6 bedrooms, 2 bedrooms2階建て6LDK |
Structure:構造 | Two-story wooden building with tiled roof木造瓦葺2階建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1987 |
Osawa, Otomo Town, is located right at the entrance to the Hirota Peninsula in Rikuzentakata. The ocean view from the single coastal road to Osawa is captivating. Oyster rafts can be seen floating in Hirota Bay from the road leading to the house. There is almost no sound of traffic, and you can gaze at the sea and sky while forgetting the passage of time. This property allows you to realize that Takada lifestyle.陸前高田の広田半島のちょうど入り口に位置する、小友町獺沢。獺沢までの一本の海沿いの道路からの海の景色は思わず心を奪われます。家へと続く道から見える広田湾には牡蠣筏(いかだ)が浮かんでいます。車の音がほとんどなく、時間の流れを忘れながら海や空を眺めていられる。そんな高田暮らしを実現できる物件です。
Land:土地面積 | 1225 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 147 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Single-story house, 8 bedrooms, 8 bedrooms平屋、8LDK |
Structure:構造 | Wooden cement tile roof one-story building木造セメント瓦葺平屋建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1963 |
This house made of wood and concrete blocks stands in a small alley off the "Symbol Road," the main evacuation route from the coastal area to higher ground. It features a neat, square shape and a sense of depth.海岸エリアから高台に逃げる主要な避難路となる『シンボルロード』を1本入った小さな路地に建つ、木・コンクリートブロック造の家。四角く整ったフォルムが特徴的で、奥行きがある物件です。
Security deposit:敷金 | 2 months2ヶ月 |
Land:土地面積 | 332 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 144 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2-storey, 8DK2階建て8DK |
Structure:構造 | Wood and concrete block construction with tiled roof木・コンクリートブロック造瓦葺 |
Built in:建築年 | 1964 |
Living with a panoramic view of Hirota Bay. A 3LDK property in Osumi, Takada-cho. A quiet life located at a high altitude in Takada-cho.広田湾を一望する暮らし。高田町大隅にある3LDKの物件。高田町の中でも標高の高いところに位置する静かな暮らし。
Security deposit:敷金 | One month's rent家賃の1ヶ月分 |
Land:土地面積 | 847 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 131 m² |
Structure:構造 | Two-story wooden building with tiled roof木造瓦葺2階建て |
Built in:建築年 | 2001 |
Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.
Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.