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detached 双岩地区
detached 双岩地区
detached 双岩地区
detached 双岩地区
detached 双岩地区
Traditional houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $20,312
300 万円

Although it is a little far from the city center, the station is close by and it is not too inconvenient. We recommend it to those who want to live a relaxed life surrounded by nature!市街地から少し離れていますが、駅が近く、不便さはさほど感じません。自然に囲まれた環境の中でゆったりと生活したい方におススメします!

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Parking available for small cars軽自動車であれば駐車可能

1-4-14 Futaiwa, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市双岩1-4-14
Land:土地面積111 m²
Building:建物面積118 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1974
detached 喜須来地区
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detached 喜須来地区
detached 喜須来地区
detached 喜須来地区
Traditional houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $27,083
400 万円

Close to parks and supermarkets. There is no parking lot, so the price is good.公園やスーパーが近いです。駐車場がないのでお得な価格になっています。

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1-1165, Honaicho, Kigi, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市保内町喜木1-1165
Land:土地面積231 m²
Building:建物面積117 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor1階
Built in:建築年1980
detached 神山地区
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detached 神山地区
Houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $79,896
1180 万円

This is a clean and spacious property. It is recommended for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle and relax, and for those who want to enjoy a second life in the countryside.きれいで広々とした物件です。喧噪を忘れゆったり過ごしたい方、田舎でセカンドライフを過ごしたい方におススメです。

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Can beあり

1120-3, Fukikawa-ko, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市布喜川甲1120-3
Land:土地面積310 m²
Building:建物面積151 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1992
detached 白浜地区
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detached 白浜地区
Traditional houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $6,771
100 万円

It will be an old house with a great view. It is recommended for those who want to renovate and live in an old house.見晴らしがいい古民家になります。古民家をリフォームして住みたい方におススメです。

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Main house: 5K, Annex: 2K母屋:5K  離れ:2K



1669 Mukai-nada, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市向灘1669
Land:土地面積276 m²
Building:建物面積112 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
commercial 松蔭地区
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commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
commercial 松蔭地区
Commercial for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $250,520
3700 万円

This is a vacant storefront in a shopping district. It has been well-maintained and is in good condition! Highly recommended for those who want to do business or commerce!商店街の空き店舗です。適度に管理されているため、状態の良い物件です!事業や商売をしたい方におススメします!!

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1st and 2nd floors: shops; 3rd floor: free space1、2階店舗・3階フリースペース


None (There is a nearby parking lot.)なし(近隣駐車場があります。)

1466-14 (Shinmachi 1), Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市1466-14(新町1)
Land:土地面積240 m²
Building:建物面積455 m²
Scale:建物規模3rd floor3階
Structure:構造Steel frame with concrete roof鉄骨造コンクリート屋根
Built in:建築年1994
detached 舌田地区
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detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
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detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
detached 舌田地区
Houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $20,312
300 万円

Shitama Bay stretches out in front of you, making this a great property for those who love fishing. It is also a mandarin orange producing area, so we recommend it for those who want to live a relaxed life in the countryside. It is in the style of a tenement house, and one side (the older side) needs repairs.目の前に舌間湾が広がり釣り好きの方にはもってこいの物件です。みかんの産地でもあり、田舎でのんびり暮らしたい方におススメします。長屋風になっており、片側(古くに建てられた方)は補修する必要があります。

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None (There is a nearby parking lot.)なし(近隣駐車場があります。)

Address: 1043 Shitama 2-chome, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市舌間2番耕地1043番地
Land:土地面積128 m²
Building:建物面積141 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1976
detached 神山地区
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detached 神山地区
Houses for rent in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $237 / month
(¥35,000 / month)
3 万 5000 円 / 月

A renovated, well-maintained rental property where you can live quietly. One parking space is included and the rent is very reasonable. It is not on a main road, so it is recommended for those who want to live quietly!静かに暮らせるリフォーム済みの管理良好賃貸物件。1台分の駐車場がついてこの家賃は良心的です。大通りに面していないため、静かに暮らしたい方におススメです!

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19-1 Yatsushiro, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市八代19-1
Land:土地面積1135 m²
Building:建物面積50 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Structure:構造Wooden structure (two-family tenement house)木造 (2軒長屋)
Built in:建築年1971
detached 神山地区
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detached 神山地区
detached 神山地区
detached 神山地区
detached 神山地区
detached 神山地区
Houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $15,573
230 万円

This is an affordable property located in a quiet residential area of Gotanda Yushima. It is of a reasonable size, so maintenance costs are kept low.五反田湯島の閑静な住宅街にあるお手頃価格の物件になります。適度な広さなので維持管理費が抑えられます。

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1-708-18・22 Gotanda, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市五反田1-708-18・22
Land:土地面積86 m²
Building:建物面積74 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1975
detached 白浜地区
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detached 白浜地区
detached 白浜地区
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detached 白浜地区
detached 白浜地区
detached 白浜地区
detached 白浜地区
detached 白浜地区
detached 白浜地区
detached 白浜地区
Houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $74,479
1100 万円

It is in a quiet residential area of Mukai-nada. It is a 1-minute walk to the sea! It is a convenient location near supermarkets and public transportation. The balcony is spacious, and you can climb the spiral staircase from the 3rd floor balcony to the rooftop, where you can see fireworks in the summer. The view from the rooftop is amazing.向灘の閑静な住宅街です。海まで徒歩1分!!スーパー・公共機関も近く便利な土地です。バルコニーが広く、3階バルコニーから屋上までらせん階段でのぼることもでき、夏は花火が見えます。屋上からの眺めはすばらしいです。

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1244-1 and 1244-3 Mukai-nada, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市向灘1244-1・1244-3
Land:土地面積207 m²
Building:建物面積166 m²
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete construction鉄筋コンクリート造
Built in:建築年1975
detached 松蔭地区
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detached 松蔭地区
detached 松蔭地区
detached 松蔭地区
Houses for sale in Yawatahama Shi : Ehime Ken

LocationYawatahama Shi, Ehime Ken愛媛県八幡浜市

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USD $13,542
200 万円

It is a single house that is convenient to go anywhere in the city. Needs some repairs but is reasonably priced. There are many rooms and it is recommended for families. ※ view the details街中のどこに行くにも便利な一軒家です。多少の修繕は必要ですがお手頃価格となっています。部屋数が多くファミリーにもおすすめです。

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1355-19 Hirose 1-chome, Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture愛媛県八幡浜市広瀬1丁目1355番地19
Land:土地面積80 m²
Building:建物面積76 m²
Built in:建築年1945

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Settling in Japan

Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.

Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.